Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today is the first day that my rubber bands are off!!!! I currently have none, zip, nada, not one rubber band in my mouth at this very moment and it feels OH SO GOOD!! For another 10 weeks, the bands are worn only at night. I have been counting down to this day for so long. I can not believe I am actually this far out after surgery! It's crazy. Today marks 8 weeks post op! And that means a few exciting things for me!

I got to drink out of a straw today for the first time in forever! ( it's actually kind of hard- go figure!)
My tongue is no longer in prison. Jail free. Free willy. I can open my mouth and stretch my tongue as I please! It is simply wonderful.
I can sleep on my side starting TONIGHT! THAT will be a game changer right there. Cant wait!

It's amazing all these tiny changes. Daily things we take for granted. I didn't realize until now that these small acts would be a bit challenging for me. My mouth is still stiff and numb so I am having to really stretch the muscles and relearn how to use them. Also, because of the new placement of my jaw and teeth, it's like having to relearn how to talk. I am having to learn how to use my tongue, teeth and lips all together. It's really weird. :)
Yesterday I had my ortho appointment check up. Dr Spilsbury noticed that my teeth in the back have started to shift.. in an unwanted position. They have started to shift off to the side. Because my jaw was sawed into 3 segments, my wire on my braces is also in 3 segments. This allows the teeth to shift easier because there is not just one wire all the way across holding the teeth together. Does that make sense? So my back teeth started to create a little gap because my top teeth aren't sitting exactly on top of my bottom teeth as they should.
So Dr Spils and Dr A together decided to put on two extra rubber bands, which they call cross bite elastics. These go on the hooks that are inside of my mouth. As in on the inside of my teeth, against my tongue. They then cross to the outside of my teeth and hook on the outside. Confusing without seeing them. But at least I only have to wear them at night!!
I flew home to Utah today! Got to see my Tiger. That is Tyson. He looks like a tiger, hence, why I call him Tiger. Got to see family. We went out to dinner to my favorite restaurant- P.F. Chang's- and I got my favorite soup- egg drop. Mmm. We also got a side of noodles that I slid in my mouth and swallowed whole- Shh, don't tell my surgeon and his assistant- they will kill me. Or my mom. But mom Ty let me swallow them whole today and he was okay with it :) I talked him into it. AND IT WAS SOO SO GOOD. Even though my rubber bands are off I still can not eat or chew anything for another 2 weeks. No solid foods until 14 days! But noodles slide right down- who needs to chew them? Not me! And now as I type, I am sitting here waiting to see my brand new niece that is a week old and I haven't even met her yet! Tyson's brother and his wife just had their first baby together. That makes number 11 for me! I have 11 nieces and nephews! And another on the way from my sister in law. I just love love love my nieces and nephews. They make my heart sing and my soul soar! :)
Well, they should be here any second- we've only been waiting forever! And I am going to run to greet them so I'm off!
It's been a GREAT day! (except for the flight home. I hate flying. Makes me very sick and claustrophobic. Add to that the storm we flew through made a bumpy ride- puke)

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