Well..here it is.. surgery has once again been pushed back. My luck with this surgery is like that of my luck with windshields. For those of you unfamiliar with how awful that is I'll give you the short story. I have had my car for almost 4 years. I have had 3 windshields. First chip spread to a crack more than halfway across my windshield. Got it replaced and within the month a new chip arrived! Went to get it fixed so it wouldn't spread, kid didn't know what he was doing, spread a half inch crack to 5 inches. That too spread from right to left right across the middle of the windshield. I kid you not, right to left, the entire windshield. Needless to say I failed my safety and emissions test. Who knew a 3 foot crack obstructing your view is not considered safe? Got that replaced, 6 DAYS LATER, a rock came flying up and cracked a half inch "x" mark dead in the middle of my windshield. You may think it ends there, oh no, I am not so fortunate. 2 days after that, a random wood block was just chillin' on the freeway. Didn't see it until it was too late, right in front of my face flying who knows how fast at me. It hit that "x" mark dead on like it was calling its name. A moth to a flame. Half inch instantly spread to a foot.. which has now spread to 2 feet. I don't even follow semi's or tailgate! Windshields and I are so not friends. Such is life!
So, recap of our trip to Santa Barbara.
- Dad's Mac laptop fell out of the car and broke
- On the way home from picking Ty up at the airport, the car broke! Serpentine belt (or something of the sort, that was just replaced 2 weeks ago, mind you). Not on warrantee. Dealer doesn't have the part to fix it. Estimated fix time = 1 week. Had to have it towed to dealer. After half an hour dad walked out to the street to meet the tow truck. Half an hour later the driver still had not arrived. The tow company proceeded to call every 10 minutes and tell him the driver was 2 blocks away...for the next hour. Rented a car.. I mean shoe. All four of us squished in this little toy car (Fiat) that is the size of my shoe. We all had a good laugh at that! It's a strange feeling when you first get in and take a turn, waiting for the rest of the car to turn with you and it never does, because it's not there hah. The thing is so tiny mom even had a small claustrophobic break down.. we all laughed.
- We have paid for a 3 week stay at the condo and will def not be here for 3 weeks
- I was thinking Six Flagg's (roller coaster theme park) would be a great idea on the way home after hearing the bad news. It's closed. For the week we are here. Then it opens again when we leave.
- Got to see Tyson :)
- Spent the day with my parents and Ty
- Laughed.. a lot. Because when you have a day as bad as this what else can you do??
- Shopped
- Got a new maxi skirt
- Had a delicious breakfast
- 70 degree weather (can you believe it!)
- No tears
- No Dr's with black eyes
All in all I'd say it looks like the positives outweigh the negatives!
Oh. I bet you're all wondering why the surgery is post-poned. Well, as I posted yesterday I got sick. I felt 100% fine this morning going in to the Dr's office. Dr even said my throat was fine! However, I am congested and that is where we run into big problems. During surgery they put tubes through my nose that go down into my lungs. So whatever is in my nose will be pushed into my lungs. If I am congested during surgery that is a whole lot of mucus being pushed into my lungs, which will then cause pneumonia. Along side with that, the Dr uses a steroid to reduce swelling which just blows up any type of virus, making it way worse. He said in the past 35 years he has done 5 or so surgeries where the patient has a small virus or was congested and without fail, every single time, they got pneumonia. And he says it is scaaary! So we are not even taking our chances. Doc won't even touch me until the congestion is 100% cleared. Which now leads me to an E.N.T doctor. I do not feel congested at all. This is how I always am. Each morning, I HAVE to blow my nose, which leads the Dr to think there is something in the way or and allergic reaction. More doctors- yay me! I am nervous they will find something and say "you have to have surgery to fix that". Oh please, oh please, oh pleeeease don't let that be the case!!!!!!
Next post will be on word of when we can reschedule the surgery. After then, this blog may be on hold. I may update periodically when I hear from the Dr's office or have other check ups and any word progressing toward jaw surgery.
I know so many of you have been concerned with this surgery for me. You have prayed and fasted, kept me in your thoughts, encouraged and crossed your fingers for me. THANK YOU. Thank you a million times for your care, love and support. I am truly shocked at how many calls and texts and other means of socializing I have gotten. Sure makes me feel loved...or at least liked, maybe even tolerated? :)
Hope that they can squeeze me in for surgery sooner than summer! Stay tuned for an estimate..