I had an appointment with Dr Hershey yesterday. This is the Dr that uses NAET (said like nate). NAET is an Allergy Elimination Technique. What the heck is this and how does it work? Well, let me enlighten you..
In some ways the body works much like a computer. It is programmed to respond in certain ways. NAET treatments reprogram the nervous system so that the immune system stops attacking food, irritants, chemicals, or anything else a person is allergic to. Once the body accepts reprogramming, it heals itself. BAM! Done and done.
So much better than pricking needles all over my back and getting weekly shots of who knows what if you ask me. Drugs? No thanks! Hate them. I'll go the pure and natural route thank you. I still have an appointment with the allergist in a few weeks though. Not quite sure what to expect. Just get this stupid nose of mine clear!! It has always been such a HUGE bother to me, I have always just wanted to cut off my nose! Still feel the same, I mean, it's totally not needed anyway right? Who needs the sense of smell. Forget the fact that I am weirdly obsessed with smelling randomly weird things.. just cut it off!
Well here's what Dr Hershey found out. Along with all the trees, grass, nuts and animals I am allergic to, I am also allergic to:
- Grains=MAYBE (this was the only uncertain one)
- Onions
- Avocados
- Bananas
- Melons
- Dust
- Smoke
- Weed
- Pollen
- Flowers
- Wood
Don't know what else to say.. I'm out!