Her eyes are bright.
She is content.
And she has been able to breathe through her nose since yesterday!
She feels like she is swimming with all the liquid intake.
I think she might get hungry in the next little while.
But really, her tummy is so full of mainly water, she doesn't desire much else.
Texting sure is great but it can have it's downfalls.
Like auto correcting words.
On the day of surgery, Tyson received a text.
It was close to the time we expected the surgery to be over, so we were a bit nervous.
And I will always appreciate Tyson for keeping this to himself until after Dr. Arnett came out and
told us surgery went well....
Text to Tyson: "Hope you wife 'dies' ok today."
I am certain that was not the text he intended to send.
Rather, bet he meant to text, "Hope your wife 'does' ok today."
We just laughed over that one!
Enjoy your day,