It's still great to be home! Feeling more alive each day... and then I break out in hives. And think that I'm dying. WHAT?
Not quite sure what is going on. I'd love to post some pics to share the severity of it with you but that would require you seeing my sexy naked bod, and well, um, only Tyson gets to see that.. Oh wait, and my mom, and my sister in laws and all my friends I grew up with have seen every naked square inch of me. Let's just say as much as I love clothes, I love being naked even more. When I die and go to heaven, my heaven will be without clothes, so if you'd like to come visit.. leave your clothes at the gates.
Anyway, here's my story:
A couple nights ago mom was rubbing DoTerra oils on my feet. Which by the way (number 1) Nurse Mama has not missed a beat in taking care of me since day one! She's got my schedule down to a 'T'. Even has a check mark schedule printed out to keep me on track and make sure I don't miss a thing! She has been so dang good and pampering it's no wonder I've healed so well! Every hospital patient needs my mom as their nurse- then people would be looking for reasons to be admitted! And (number 2) we really think those DoTerra oils have benefited me well in this healing process. So she was putting the oils on and I was taking out my hair- because we all know now that my hair is in a top knot every day. I've lost so much it's so pathetic. And my head begins to itch like crazy. I think nothing of it and go to bed. Next morning I am in the shower and I notice hives on the back of my legs. I wrote it off quickly bc occasionally I get small hives but after a couple hours they go away. This was Saturday morning. Later that afternoon all the fam went to the Logandale fair. I LOVE fairs/rodeos! And this year one of my very dearest friends Kelli Royal and her adorable little boy came with us. We were out there for several hours. By the time we finally made it home it was around 8-8:30. We were all so pre-occupied with finding my wallet and phone. Earlier at the fair my sis in law Bree was looking at toe rings while holding her babe Nixon. He started fussing, so I handed Brett (my bro) my wallet (which had my phone in it) and I took Nixon. Brett walked over to the stroller and put my wallet in the stroller bag. We all left the fair thinking it was still in that bag. However, somehow it fell out and was left stranded and alone on the ground. So here we all were, 9pm by this point, trying to call the lost and found, call multiple companies to cancel my credit cards, and trying to use icloud to locate my phone.. only to find out my phone is "offline". Poor Tyson, he HATES these kinds of crisis. He is always careful to avoid these things and he was stressin' a bit I'm sure! Much to my dismay, my bank, Chase, was "down for the night". Their systems weren't working so they couldn't cancel my card. What a great night to lose your wallet Lana! All the while I'm scratchin' my sides like a dog. My head was also itching. I told my mom she may have to check me for lice cause this is not normal. EW. Once we did all we could do about my wallet and things calmed down I lifted up my shirt and saw big welts just covering my sides and hips. As I undressed I realized it didn't stop there. It was from the top of my head to my mid thighs and EVERYWHERE in between. And it just kept getting worse. Itching more, bigger hives, welts, elephantiasis- I don't even know what to call it at this point. So, once again, Mama Nurse jumped into action! Cool bath she says! Rub on this oil concoction! Benadryl! Anti-itch cream and spray! Bed! Benadryl again if you wake up in the night! (Gotta love that woman!) I did as was told. It helped a little. Made it bearable. Benadryl helped me sleep. It wore off at 4:17 in the morning- man was I itching so bad! When I turned on the light to take my med I wasn't sure if I was looking at my legs or burnt hotdogs. I was covered in hives! Hives that were attaching to one another and making one big giant hive! Concerned, I took my nasty benadryl and went to bed. Woke up in the morning, I mean afternoon, 12:20 to be exact (that benadryl knocks you out man) and 95% of the hives were gone! Cool. After another hour or so there was no trace of them. Sweet! Then I get home from church, catch up on a couple of my fave TV shows and start itching on my shoulders. Guess whose back for an unfriendly visit?! Hives were on their way again. Repeat routine. Email surgeons office. Apparently my mom got an upset phone call from the surgeons office explaining that we have forgotten every detail in the hour long slideshow they showed us explaining if hives occur, go to the emergency room immediately. Hah. Whoops! So we discussed with the surgeons office what to do, called countless allergists to see who was available asap and finally made an appointment the next morning.
Well now it's that "next morning" and I have just returned from the allergist. Dr Tottori and his nurses believe I am allergic to penicillin and cephalosporins and am having a delayed reaction. I have been off of the penicillin for about 3 weeks, however reactions can happen up to a month and a half after stopping the med. I'm relieved they don't think it's a reaction to the meds I need to take to help stabilize my fragile joints! So I was given prednisone and told to continue benadryl and or/zyrtec as needed and advised to get a medical bracelet. This medical bracelet will either be worn or carried with me AT ALL times in the future so if anything were to happen, any human, be it dr, friend or stranger, knows my allergies and what to avoid so I do not go into anaphylactic shock. Well geez, I'm beginning to feel like a walking medical case. All these new things springing about everywhere! But, it's good to get them figured out now so I can avoid more problems and complications in the future. Kiiinda scary. Kinda sad. I love amoxacillin. That pink liquid, I could just drink a whole bottle! I remember sneaking down to the kitchen one night when I was probably around 7 or 8. Found the amoxacillin in the fridge and drank half the bottle before I thought I heard someone coming. Haha it's a good thing that didn't do anything to me or cause problems then. My parents would have had no clue what was going on!
Anyway, no more penicillins and cephalosporins. Slowly re-introduce my other meds as precaution and continue anti-histamines as needed.
And that, my friends, is my story.
Not quite sure what is going on. I'd love to post some pics to share the severity of it with you but that would require you seeing my sexy naked bod, and well, um, only Tyson gets to see that.. Oh wait, and my mom, and my sister in laws and all my friends I grew up with have seen every naked square inch of me. Let's just say as much as I love clothes, I love being naked even more. When I die and go to heaven, my heaven will be without clothes, so if you'd like to come visit.. leave your clothes at the gates.
Anyway, here's my story:
A couple nights ago mom was rubbing DoTerra oils on my feet. Which by the way (number 1) Nurse Mama has not missed a beat in taking care of me since day one! She's got my schedule down to a 'T'. Even has a check mark schedule printed out to keep me on track and make sure I don't miss a thing! She has been so dang good and pampering it's no wonder I've healed so well! Every hospital patient needs my mom as their nurse- then people would be looking for reasons to be admitted! And (number 2) we really think those DoTerra oils have benefited me well in this healing process. So she was putting the oils on and I was taking out my hair- because we all know now that my hair is in a top knot every day. I've lost so much it's so pathetic. And my head begins to itch like crazy. I think nothing of it and go to bed. Next morning I am in the shower and I notice hives on the back of my legs. I wrote it off quickly bc occasionally I get small hives but after a couple hours they go away. This was Saturday morning. Later that afternoon all the fam went to the Logandale fair. I LOVE fairs/rodeos! And this year one of my very dearest friends Kelli Royal and her adorable little boy came with us. We were out there for several hours. By the time we finally made it home it was around 8-8:30. We were all so pre-occupied with finding my wallet and phone. Earlier at the fair my sis in law Bree was looking at toe rings while holding her babe Nixon. He started fussing, so I handed Brett (my bro) my wallet (which had my phone in it) and I took Nixon. Brett walked over to the stroller and put my wallet in the stroller bag. We all left the fair thinking it was still in that bag. However, somehow it fell out and was left stranded and alone on the ground. So here we all were, 9pm by this point, trying to call the lost and found, call multiple companies to cancel my credit cards, and trying to use icloud to locate my phone.. only to find out my phone is "offline". Poor Tyson, he HATES these kinds of crisis. He is always careful to avoid these things and he was stressin' a bit I'm sure! Much to my dismay, my bank, Chase, was "down for the night". Their systems weren't working so they couldn't cancel my card. What a great night to lose your wallet Lana! All the while I'm scratchin' my sides like a dog. My head was also itching. I told my mom she may have to check me for lice cause this is not normal. EW. Once we did all we could do about my wallet and things calmed down I lifted up my shirt and saw big welts just covering my sides and hips. As I undressed I realized it didn't stop there. It was from the top of my head to my mid thighs and EVERYWHERE in between. And it just kept getting worse. Itching more, bigger hives, welts, elephantiasis- I don't even know what to call it at this point. So, once again, Mama Nurse jumped into action! Cool bath she says! Rub on this oil concoction! Benadryl! Anti-itch cream and spray! Bed! Benadryl again if you wake up in the night! (Gotta love that woman!) I did as was told. It helped a little. Made it bearable. Benadryl helped me sleep. It wore off at 4:17 in the morning- man was I itching so bad! When I turned on the light to take my med I wasn't sure if I was looking at my legs or burnt hotdogs. I was covered in hives! Hives that were attaching to one another and making one big giant hive! Concerned, I took my nasty benadryl and went to bed. Woke up in the morning, I mean afternoon, 12:20 to be exact (that benadryl knocks you out man) and 95% of the hives were gone! Cool. After another hour or so there was no trace of them. Sweet! Then I get home from church, catch up on a couple of my fave TV shows and start itching on my shoulders. Guess whose back for an unfriendly visit?! Hives were on their way again. Repeat routine. Email surgeons office. Apparently my mom got an upset phone call from the surgeons office explaining that we have forgotten every detail in the hour long slideshow they showed us explaining if hives occur, go to the emergency room immediately. Hah. Whoops! So we discussed with the surgeons office what to do, called countless allergists to see who was available asap and finally made an appointment the next morning.
Well now it's that "next morning" and I have just returned from the allergist. Dr Tottori and his nurses believe I am allergic to penicillin and cephalosporins and am having a delayed reaction. I have been off of the penicillin for about 3 weeks, however reactions can happen up to a month and a half after stopping the med. I'm relieved they don't think it's a reaction to the meds I need to take to help stabilize my fragile joints! So I was given prednisone and told to continue benadryl and or/zyrtec as needed and advised to get a medical bracelet. This medical bracelet will either be worn or carried with me AT ALL times in the future so if anything were to happen, any human, be it dr, friend or stranger, knows my allergies and what to avoid so I do not go into anaphylactic shock. Well geez, I'm beginning to feel like a walking medical case. All these new things springing about everywhere! But, it's good to get them figured out now so I can avoid more problems and complications in the future. Kiiinda scary. Kinda sad. I love amoxacillin. That pink liquid, I could just drink a whole bottle! I remember sneaking down to the kitchen one night when I was probably around 7 or 8. Found the amoxacillin in the fridge and drank half the bottle before I thought I heard someone coming. Haha it's a good thing that didn't do anything to me or cause problems then. My parents would have had no clue what was going on!
Anyway, no more penicillins and cephalosporins. Slowly re-introduce my other meds as precaution and continue anti-histamines as needed.
And that, my friends, is my story.