Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday morning, March 25, 2013

"I just can't believe the surgery is over." This are words we hear Lana repeat.
Sometimes it doesn't seem real. It has been a 5 year process. And now she is on the other end.

We have gotten things down to a routine with her meds and sleep.
 We know how long she can stay up before she start to get nauseated and worn out.
We know how cold she needs the room so she doesn't get sick.
(Let me just say, it is COLD!)

She still really has not ingested any food yet but 2 sips of broth.
Hoping today she will want one of her protein drinks or a breakfast essential.

The highlight of her day yesterday was a shower.
It took both Tyson and I to accomplish it.
Her dad bought a hose with a shower nozzle head. We attached it to the sink since it didn't work on the shower. But it didn't attach well enough by itself so Tyson held it in place. The hose was just long enough to reach into the shower. Thank goodness for a tiny bathroom.
You just know that feeling of a nice shower after so many days of being sick.

We feel the strength of your prayers.
I woke up this morning with that thought in my head, that the prayers of others are blessing our lives at this time. There is a great power in pray. So often we want to help and do something for others in a difficult time, but we can't. It is their trial and only they can go through it. As much as we would like to take a piece of their trial away, it isn't possible.
So we pray! We pray in their behalf.
And isn't that the most important thing we CAN do. 
Petition the Lord with our faith for another.
Because, He can do what we can not.
So, thank you!

Much love,

PS. I think I forgot to mention that the morning of surgery Lana woke up with the hymn in her head,
"Be Still My Soul"

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