Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

Just an update:

Lana checked out of the hospital yesterday feeling nauseated. As soon as we got home she asked for a blessing. This has been a battle for her since then. Even with a patch behind the ear and Zofran (immediately devolves on the tongue) she is dealing with being nauseated. I think its from the oral pain meds, so we are just trying to get it under control for her. Also,  we are using some DoTerra oils to help with that. Today we are in the stage of 'trial & error' to see what works and what doesn't.

There is a strict regiment of things she must do daily.

    • Meds - antibiotics, pain, decongestant 
    • Stomach must be coated with milk and protein powder prior to all meds
    • Certain doses are split in half with a time lapse in between
    • Mouth rinses
    • Nose sprays and suctioning
    • creams put on lips and stitches
    • walking
    • coughing and deep breathing
    • sleep upright
Some things she has to do is every hour or a certain amount of times per day. So this means someone is always waking her up at have her do something. And, if you know Lana well enough, she doesn't like her sleep interrupted! Tyson is so tender and encourages her along (as long as he doesn't touch her!)

The morning routine took us three hours! Just trying to learn everything we need to do. We will get quicker at this as time goes on.

Swallowing is very difficult. The nurse at the hospital told us to pull our bottom jaw forward and then try to swallow. Much harder. And then the fact that it is swollen and sore for the tubes, etc. So trying to get med or liquids down is quiet a process, not real simple at this point. It will get better though.

She really cant breathe out of her nose much. That can be such a bother. We have to be careful because blood clots need to form. She is a 'nose-blower' so going for 10 weeks without blowing, YIKES. I hope she doesn't have to use her suction in front of any of you! 

The nurse at her doctors office has been so helpful with our concerns and questions. They stay in close contact with us. That is a comfort.

The rental house is set up just perfect for this situation. We are in the cute town of Carpenteria. Tyson has a room that is perfect for him to work from. Different from where Lana is resting. We can walk to the beach and to the main street. And the weather - wonderful!

I think she has pulled out of all the anesthesia today. She is much more coherent. Swelling will continue until Sunday. Our biggest concern today is that she gets enough fluids to keep her hydrated.

Hugs to all!

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