Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Day

Happy Easter!! 
I sure do love an easter egg hunt! I don't care how old you are it never gets old! And I dont have kids so I still get to hunt, whoop whoop! :) 
Short update:
Last night = death. I did NOT sleep. So uncomfortable.
I have to sleep on my back, I can't turn to the side and I have to sleep in a bit of an upright position. I believe for 8-10 weeks. Gag me with a spoon. Needless to say my neck hurts so so bad! Tyson was so helpful this morning, he put oils on my neck and shoulders and gave me a massage for about a half hour! That helped a little bit. 
I got out of the house today and we went to church. Just to sacrament meeting, so an hour. Embarrassing yes, but so what, I'll never see those people again! I know how important going to church is and I sure do value going to church each week, but I dont think I realized quite how much I need it each week in my life. I have not been to church for at least 3 weeks, possibly 4?? So I was not prepared to feel the way I felt today in church. Surprisingly, these feelings all rushed in right after I sat down. And I actually teared! hah. I just felt so many emotions. Along with being embarrassed and feeling goofy looking, I felt the spirit, I felt love, comfort, peace, gratitude, happiness, just that everything is okay and will be okay. I think my mom and Tyson thought I was just too embarrassed and wanted to leave haha.
Well, I'm exhausted so that's all for today. Hope everyone had such a fun day!

My eggs consisted of Blistex!

And my Easter basket (bag) consisted of SoBe and Vitamin water drinks!)

ps. I live in my robe and my hair in a top knot. why get ready?! :)

Easter messages worth watching:

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