Monday, January 14, 2013

It's on!

We've got a date!!
March 20th! Not too shabby eh? At least it's not June! So, a couple more months and the journey begins again!

Had an appointment with my E.N.T. doctor today.. Dr. Schroeder- he is just the greatest! He removed my tonsils almost 6 years ago to the day. He looked in my ears, said they were spectacular and clear, looked up my nose and said "whoa! I can't see a thing but mucus". So he sprayed each nostril with an 'anti-allergen something'. Cleared it RIGHT up! He then looked up my nose again and said there was nothing there and he could see all the way through me. Nice and clear! He also said my passage is nice and straight. Phew! That means no deviated septum or anything blocking my passage and nothing to take care of there. Dr is pretty certain the reason why I am always a little congested is due to allergies. So we did a blood draw to test allergies to food, animals and atmosphere. We are thinking I may be allergic to my dogs, haha hopefully not but we will see. Dr. Schroeder said if that is the case he will set me up with something to take so it's not a problem.. because we all know the dogs aren't going anywhere! They are family.. they are my children! Yes indeed. We are just waiting for the results so we can then cure the problem! And hopefully, between now and March 20th, NOTHING will get in the way of me and my surgery!!! 

Another couple of months to enjoy my food! Mmm, mmm! I'm pretty sure my spirit was a fat spirit in Heaven because I sure LOVE LOVE to eat. I think I stretch my stomach because sometimes I eat so much I'll look at the portion I just ate and think my body only needs half of that. But if it is so yummy (which is almost everything I eat) I just want to keep eating it. Ay yi yi! 
So back to Utah it is. I FINALLY get to see my boy!! I have missed him so much! We were away from each other for a week when I came down for my ortho appointment and to drive to Santa Barbara. He flew in to SB at midnight, found out at 8am surgery was canceled and flew back to Utah at 5pm that same day. He needed to get back to work. So all in all, we will have only seen each other for less than 24 hours in 2 weeks! :( But once I get back I might go insane because I have no plans. None whatsoever. I was supposed to be healing and hibernating for the next 3 months so I cleared the calendar! My life at the moment is vacant! What am I going to do?! 
I know.... EAT :)

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