Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6, 2013

It's Saturday. General Conference weekend.
We love watching general conference and the inspiration that comes. The peace it brings.
Lana is drinking butternut squash soup that her sister in law made.
Tyson is working on a puzzle.
Chad is napping.

I enjoy reading other peoples blogs, on occasion. But I have noticed that the author of the blogs can create of vision of their life that looks, sometimes, deceiving to the outside world. I wonder if they live a perfectly charmed life. Everything is positive, happy and upbeat. And good for them if they really are that type of person (like you, Dani! who I love.)

So with that being said, it's been a hard week for Lana. Yes, there were some good days, more of those than bad ones, thank goodness. But there have been some stinky ones, too. Tears have been shed, spirits were down, her mood has been sullen.

Nights are hard for Lana. Her muscles ache in her back and especially her neck. Only being able to sleep on her back contributes to the problem. We have found some muscle cream that helps a little. Tyson is good to help her re-adjust pillows for a more comfortable position, and give her backrubs. He is encouraging to her. He is good to her.

And with surgery, sometimes there are 'side affects', worries and concerns afterwards. There are some of those too. We will have to wait until her appt on Tuesday to discuss them with Dr. Arnett.

Eating continues to plague her. She simply would rather just not do it! Seems like we are always pushing her to eat, drink, do her washes, exercise, yada, yada, yada!

On the other hand of all that is hard, we have been grateful this week for progress seen, especially with the swelling. I give credit to  Doterra oil, Frankincense. I have been using that oil on Lana's feet as well as putting it on her jaw. We decided to gently run it along her top lip which was swollen. With in just a couple days we saw a big decrease in her lip swelling.

It's a long haul and the path ahead is a tough one. But she will get through it. And she appreciates the love and support by so many family and friends.

And this is how life is, right? Most days are up, but sometimes they stink. And then, we are grateful for beginning of another day.

It's a beautiful day in Santa Barbara. 72 degrees. I think we will go to the beach where all the seals hang out!

Enjoy your weekend.